2022 – 7 Seasons - Cast: Bishop Leandro Leão
We live as if we were free, and to a certain extent we are, free to choose, not determine.
We choose what we want, not the consequences. I am free to choose what to plant, for example corn, but I cannot choose how many bags of corn I will harvest.
I can even study the best ways to plant, the correct time, the necessary care and with this knowledge, perhaps, I can obtain better results.
We didn't choose God, he chose us, and he chose us to bear fruit, not the fruit we want, but the fruit he wants.
We are free to choose: To live eternally with him, planting his fruits or far from him, planting the ones I want.
Let's go together in this new biblical series to discover the fruits that God wants us to plant and the right way to cultivate them.
And now important news!
You can choose, for all messages in PodCast, whether you want to listen to just the message or also listen to the background sound. Just use a headset, only the message will come out in one, and the message with the background in the other, cool, right?
God bless you!
- 1st Season
- 2st Season
- 3rd Season
- 4th Season
- 5th Season
- 6th Season
- 7th Season
- 8º Temporada Final
1 Corinthians 1:1 to 31 In this introduction we see that the book does not provide teachings for everyone, but rather for those who wish to be close to God. We learn that the objective of everything we see is to obtain salvation and therefore, we do not participate in divisions or internal fights. We maintain our loyalty, as we will need to empty ourselves of our human knowledge so that the work can be done through the knowledge of God.
1 Corinthians 2:1 to 16 – Our experiences on this earth are many, however, the basis of all our teachings must always be the words of this book guided by the Holy Spirit. Mixing the Bible with personal knowledge will lead us to receive the spirit of this world and not the Spirit that comes from God.
1 Corinthians 3:1 to 23 – Being like a child is not being a boy. If we live like carnal people, we will never achieve what is reserved for spiritual people. Everything we have, as we will see in the next episode, was loaned to us and at the time determined by God he will require everything back, including this flesh. Suicide leads those who commit it to eternal torment and we will see this here clearly, without leaving any doubt.
1 Corinthians 4:1 to 21 – Believers must treat their superiors as ministers of God, because even though they are not perfect, they have a clear conscience and owe fidelity to God. Never judge anyone, a superior, so it would be better for you to tie a stone around your neck and throw yourself into the river. Leave the judgments to the final judgement. Treat everyone the same way, without distinction. We live in a world where the rich are praised and given honor, while we pastors are despised and persecuted. Even if you have many pastors, your father in faith will always be just one, the one who led you to know Jesus Christ, be faithful to him and follow his examples. The way your pastor preaches depends on how you have chosen to live.
1 Corinthians 5:1 to 13 Immorality usually enters a church through the wrong interpretation of the scriptures and in the face of this, we should not be happy, but seek true change. This change sometimes encounters a strong block called pride. This works like a “prison cell” around us, preventing us from understanding our error.
1 Corinthians 6:1 to 20 It is absurd for people who consider themselves Christians to be unable to talk and reach an agreement in the face of their disagreements, and it becomes even more serious when they ignore their leadership and go before the wicked so that they can decide on their issues.
1 Corinthians 7:1 to 40 The degradation in marriages has reached such a point that the Bible, which begins by saying that it is not good for a man to be alone, ends by advising him to be alone, such was the contamination by sin that human beings were already experiencing in the time of the Apostle Paul.
1 Corinthians 8:1 to 40 Knowledge is important, without it, you become a fool, however, along with knowledge comes pride, a destructive feeling that, in addition to enslaving you, creates a kind of “prison” around you that prevents even God from trying to help you. . The interesting thing is that even though you become a proud person, the power of God does not stop operating through you, since knowledge brings faith, and faith brings the power of God, however, it will come on the day of judgment and Christ will tell you, I don't know you.
1 Corinthians 9:1 to 40 Over the centuries, pastors and leaders have been considered new Christs on earth, demanding that they not be paid for the work they do. In this episode, the apostle Paul makes it clear that even if they charge to carry out this work they will be right, since, just as everyone in other professions charges for their work, pastors have the same right. Listen and understand more about this important and widely misunderstood subject.
1 Corinthians 10:1 to 33 Over many years, the people experienced moments of many victories, they saw the 10 plagues, they saw the sea part and passed dry as winners, they ate the bread that came down from the sky and the water that came out of the stone. Even meat in abundance God sent, however, people decided to seek “their dreams”, “their happiness” and not “God's dreams”, “God's happiness” and the result was a total separation from God through death. Even God's patience has limits.
1 Corinthians 11:1 to 34 Throughout biblical history, men sought their personal interests more than fulfilling God's will. We will see, from this chapter onwards, that all actions and rules determined by God must have love as their basis. God's desire for everyone's life was never to humiliate, inferiorize or enslave, but to make everyone free to be happy.
1 Corinthians 12:1 to 31 The gifts and the way they manifest themselves are different. The greater our knowledge of the truth, the greater the ease of these gifts operating through us, however, we must always remember that they operate “through us” and not “for us”, since all the work manifested by these gifts was accomplished by the Holy Spirit, with all the honor for what happened belonging to him.
1 Corinthians 13:1 to 13 As we saw in the previous chapters, both the authority given by God, as well as the different gifts and their respective capabilities become useless before God when they are applied without the presence of love, since everything that exists here will be annihilated, leaving only what is done with love.
1 Corinthians 14:1 to 25 I have observed that the vast majority of people go to church in search of something for their life here on earth, such as finances, marriage, children, family, health, but this is not the real objective that should lead them to church. In this episode we will discover that God wants you to go to church to cry out to him, glorify his name, not in thought, but in a tone that encourages the brothers around you to seek together with you. We will also see that those who speak in their own language are greater than those who speak in tongues, did you know that? Listen and delve deeper into the word of God.
1 Corinthians 14:26 to 40 The Apostle Paul describes several important characteristics that must be followed for a cult to be accepted by God. Several qualities exist in each worker, all with the purpose of growing the church. It takes organization, time to sing, preach, pray, one after the other and not all at the same time, master your gift so that it is not dominated by the emotion of the flesh. A woman cannot be a leader, that is, pastor, bishop, etc. Everything said or done in church must come from God. Be balanced.
1 Corinthians 15:1 to 34 Many ignore the truth, preferring to believe that nothing exists, life is just here. This is a choice, everything in the life of Christ happened as predicted by the ancient prophets thousands of years before. The truth is before the eyes of all of us, if we want to continue not believing, just die, and all certainties fall in the face of the new reality, without the right to return to change.
1 Corinthians 15:35 to 58 Every day our body dies a little, preparing itself for its death, it's natural. However, we live as if this would never happen. If this flesh exists, there is also the spirit and this is eternal. All the defects that you have today in this flesh, achieving salvation, you will not have in eternal life. Choose who you want to be like, the flesh and sin leading to death (hell), or God and holiness leading to eternal life. The choices you make today will define where you will spend eternity.
1 Corinthians 16:1 to 24 We end the book of 1 To the Corinthians here, calling out the responsibility of each person to help in the development of work in the church, in sponsorship, in how much those who dedicate themselves to the gospel face difficulties, and how much those who participate in the church should worry about their pastors, leaders so that they can also live in peace and have the same things that each of us desires to have.
2 Corinthians 1:1 to 24 We will see, from this point on, that after all the teachings in the previous book/letter, the people, instead of being closer to God, now raise doubts even with the Apostle Paul. Unfortunately, attitudes that happen a lot nowadays, in the problem the leaders are Servants of God, in the abundance, they are full of defects.
2 Corinthians 2:1 to 17 The Word of God was not written to make us sad when faced with sin. On the contrary, it was written to awaken us to the truth and free us from the slavery of sin. Forgiving those who harm us, even if we don't live with them, is an important weapon to prevent Satan from gaining access to our emotions. Thus, we can exhale the aroma of Christ, the perfume of his word of life, and not the smell of death.
2 Corinthians 3:1 to 18 Now that we have learned a lot about Jesus Christ, are we going to return to our old mistakes and customs? No way! It's time to have the word of God in our hearts, and not just as a superficial appearance. The law was temporary, necessary for the maturation of men, but still temporary. The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, is eternal. When he is in us, we become more like Christ, not Satan.
2 Corinthians 4:1 to 18 When you are in doubt about whether your actions are right in God's eyes, ask the following question: "Can I proclaim my secret actions out loud at the altar?" If the answer is yes, you are on the right path and are understanding God's word. When we don't understand it, it's because Satan still has influence over us, preventing us from understanding. We die a little every day so that Christ can be born in us. We speak what we believe, everything is for the best. Do not be discouraged, the soul is renewed by God. Be aware of invisible things.
2 Corinthians 5:1 to 21 We know that God created this beautiful world in 6 days, imagine what He did in paradise over thousands of years. We have some knowledge about what awaits us, for example, we know that our perfected body will be much superior, it will be restored and the physical defects we have here, we will not have in paradise. Even in the face of many struggles, problems and difficulties, we do not give up, because our goal is to achieve this eternal life. Christ's death was not in vain.
2 Corinthians 6:1 to 18 Being in the church is important, but being the Church is even more important. God has done a lot for us and we should not make it useless by choosing sin or the pleasures of this limited life. Beware of scandals, as Satan will use them to limit our ministry here on earth. Listen to the preachers, we preach as those who sow in the ground, but we cannot force you to do what is right. Be careful about the people you associate with.
2 Corinthians 7:1 to 16 We need to understand that we have to prepare ourselves for God, just as a bride prepares for her wedding. Just as brides spend all day preparing for their wedding night, we too need to dedicate ourselves to God. In this text, Paul brings us two good news: the first is the reunion with Titus, and the second is that the church in Corinth is finally open to understanding Paul's teachings and even misses him.
2 Corinthians 8:1 to 24 Now, let's see the difference between the people of Corinth and the people of Macedonia. The people of Corinth had better living conditions, but they complained when asked to help the Apostle Paul. On the other hand, the people of Macedonia, who were poorer, felt honored to help and even begged the Apostle Paul to do so. It's incredible how the example of the poor widow, mentioned in Luke 21, continues to make sense: those who have less often help more.
2 Corinthians 9:1 to 15 Money has always been a concern for God's servants. People have always wanted to receive blessings from God, through pastors, that would last a lifetime, but they were often not willing to be faithful throughout their lives. It is important to understand that the "saints" to whom Paul refers are those who work in God's work, and the "good work" is the work carried out through the church and its ministers. God is willing to bless his people greatly, as long as they are willing to generously bless his church and its pastors.
2 Corinthians 10:1 to 18 There are many differences in the work carried out by pastors, even within the same ministry. Therefore, when we visit one of these cities, we respect the work carried out by the local pastor. However, it is true that we prefer miracles to harsh words. We are careful not to judge by appearance, for we are sure that we all belong to Christ. Something important to highlight is that we do not praise ourselves, as praise must come from Christ and never from ourselves. And even when we receive them, these compliments should bring us closer to Christ, and never take us away from him.
2 Corinthians 11:1 to 33 Everything I've done is to help you get closer to Christ, so sometimes I can seem a little crazy. I ask you to understand. I'm afraid that you will be deceived like Eve was, because you easily accept a gospel brought by people who call themselves "great men" and who lead you to live in the wrong way. Even though I received salary and help from churches in other cities, I never demanded that you help me. As a result, these people exploit you, deceive you and you, thinking you are smart, accept these crazy people. But the rewards that a faithful servant will receive here on Earth, I can describe here, but instead of talking about my qualities, I prefer to talk about my defects.
2 Corinthians 12:1 to 21 If I have anything to be proud of, it's my relationship with Christ and the amazing things he has shown and done in my life, not worldly things. I prayed three times for God to cure me of an illness, and God answered me: "My grace is sufficient for you", in other words, he wanted me to continue with this illness. That makes me proud. Now you, who should defend me, join these false apostles who exploit you and lead you to a path of perdition. That's the difference between me and you: while I will spend every last penny, every last drop of health on this gospel, you despise me. This is the weight of seeing the true gospel being despised.
2 Corinthians 13:1 to 13 Every accusation must be confirmed by two or three witnesses, and anyone who insists on sin must not remain in the church. Our strength does not come from us, we are weak, this strength comes from God. Examine yourself, don't just look at appearance, do what is right. We are not looking at ourselves, but at your success. I'm warning you today so I don't have to be tough tomorrow. Everyone must do the same.
Galatians 1:1 to 24 Now, the apostle Paul begins a new journey in the churches of Galatia. We will see throughout this season how God's work was able to manifest itself much more in these churches than previously in the church of Corinth, in a people who opened their hearts to God. Paul manages to bring important warnings in the search, not for quantity, but for quality, in the search for true knowledge, not in men, not in theology, but in the Holy Spirit. He also warns that those who preach a gospel different from the one Jesus Christ left behind become cursed.
Galatians 2:1 to 21 Fourteen years after his first meeting with the apostles of Christ, the apostle Paul received, by revelation, the order to go again to the apostle Peter. In this meeting, in addition to recognizing the work carried out by both - Peter with the Jews and Paul with the Gentiles - Paul rebuked Peter for "creating a new gospel". He observed that Peter was mixing the customs of the law with the teachings of Christ and therefore acting like a hypocrite.
Galatians 3:1 to 29 At this time, the apostle Paul is warning a people who were trying to be holy through their own actions, living as they did before they knew Christ, and not through the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The people were acting as if they were bewitched, listening, but insisting on the same attitudes and the wrong way of serving God. Choosing to live in the past is to live far from God. From this point on, it is important to understand why the Old Testament existed in the form of the law brought by Moses.
Galatians 4:1 to 31 In this chapter, the apostle Paul clarifies once and for all why God created the law, through Moses. Just as a child, without maturity, needs parents who impose on him the right things that he needs to do, even if he doesn't like it, like getting up early and going to school, that's how people were, an immature child needing a tutor, and so on. it was Moses, until the time determined by God. At the end of this time, Jesus Christ comes to bring us maturity, the Holy Spirit, to be with us at all times, showing us the right path to follow and in this way, we no longer need tutors, we are no longer children, we are adults who are prepare us, here on earth, to one day be priests of God.
Galatians 5:1 to 26 Jesus Christ freed us from sin, so why continue to do it just to satisfy our hearts? Beware of those who teach human doctrines, simplifying the gospel just to attract more people to their temples. These men and women lose the right to salvation and are worthy of condemnation. Think carefully before taking a child of God down the wrong path.
Galatians 6:1 to 18 The details, the details that make the difference. When a brother is in error, does that give us the right to make mistakes too? And the correction, how should it occur? Do I have any commitment to help those who teach me, like my pastor? Even if I fall from faith from time to time, will I be blessed by God?
Ephesians 1:1 to 23 Divine revelation reveals deep plans, making us priests in His kingdom. Through Christ, we are redeemed and accepted by receiving the mark of the Holy Spirit. Living not by our wisdom, but by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit is essential. Maintaining silence is equivalent to rejecting blessings. The prophecy at the end completes and confirms the revealed message.
Ephesians 2:1 to 22 One of the great illusions in today's gospel is the idea of "easy salvation." Many Christians do not understand that, because of sin, we are all dead and need to be resurrected to be able to ascend with Christ. Thus, many get used to serving God by doing the minimum, without realizing that in this way they will not achieve salvation, nor will they ascend with Christ. At Christ's return, those He will come to seek will be His priests throughout the thousand-year period that comprises the Apocalypse. In other words, to be able to ascend with Christ, it is necessary to prepare yourself as a priest, or in current times, as a Bishop or Pastor.
Ephesians 3:1 to 21 – In the past, when we were still spiritual children, God's deepest secrets were not revealed to us, as we would not be able to understand them. But now, in the New Testament, as spiritual adults, these secrets are revealed to us. Struggles are part of our lives here on earth, and therefore, we need to be spiritually strong so as not to become discouraged by them. The victories that God works in our lives are proportional to the power of God that works in us..
Ephesians 4:1 to 32 Living in Christ truly requires patience. We need patience to learn which is the correct gospel, amidst so many that are wrong, and to reach maturity when applying this gospel in our lives, which makes us feel closer to God. With this conviction, we must stand firm in the truth, especially when problems try to discourage us. We no longer live like the world, but we have abandoned the old life, with no chance of returning. Our mind is renewed in Christ and we are guided by the truth, controlling our emotions so that we do not return to the way we were before and so that we do not grieve the Holy Spirit, who has already done so much for us.
Ephesians 5:1 to 33 – Walking in the light means making choices, it means walking as Christ walked. It means not even pronouncing practices that the Bible condemns, much less having connections or coexistence with those who practice them, approving what God approves. It's time to WAKE UP, it's time to stop acting like children carried by the wind, coming as God desires, without drinking, drugs or any other worldly behavior. If you seek joy, find it in God. May even our home be a living demonstration of God's action.
Ephesians 6:1 to 24 The apostle Paul concludes his letter to the Ephesians, and the 3rd season of the series attitudes, adding that the relationship with your children, parents, or with your employees and bosses must always be respectful in accordance with the limits established here, whether in the flesh or in the spirit. Practicing these acts means overcoming the devil, with wise attitudes, remembering the Saints and those who do God's work.
Philippians 1:1 to 30 We know that the way we live here on earth reflects how we are willing to live in heaven. In other words, our way of life here is a mirror of what we will be like in paradise, if we go there. In this text, the apostle Paul describes the deep relationship he had with the people of Philippi, whether he was present or absent. This is the way we should be willing to live in paradise.
Philippians 2:1 to 30 In chapter 2, Paul highlights the importance of following Christ's example and living according to Christian values, such as humility and love for others. He encourages Christians to unite and work together in harmony, as members of the same body. Furthermore, Paul emphasizes the importance of having an attitude of service and of putting yourself second, rather than seeking your own well-being or glory. It reminds us that as Christians we are called to live in a way that reflects the love and humility of Christ in our daily lives.
Philippians 3:1 to 21 Paul wrote a letter to friends who live in Philippi, a city in Greece. He wanted to tell them how important it is to believe in Jesus and do what is right. Paul said that he has people, like the Pharisees, who were heads of the church, who didn't understand what it means to truly be righteous. They just wanted to do what they thought was best, not what God wanted. Before, Paul also thought this way, but after he met Jesus, he changed his mind. Now, he knows that to be righteous is to follow Jesus. Paul tells his friends in Philippi to do like him: believe in Jesus and try to be truly righteous.
Philippians 4:1 to 23 Paul is speaking to his friends in Philippi, which is a city. He says it is very important to believe in Jesus and live as Jesus taught. Paulo asks them to stay calm and happy, even when things are difficult, and not to worry too much about money or things we buy. He says that it is better to seek peace and happiness by praying and being grateful for what we have. Paulo is also very grateful to his friends because they were good to him when he was in prison. He tells them to keep believing firmly in Jesus and stay together, as a family, because this is a good example for other people who also believe in Jesus.
Colossians 1:1 to 29 Chapter 1 of Colossians for All: Paul is telling people a very important message about Jesus. He says that Jesus is the most important of all, like a boss, because he is the Son of God and made everything in the world. Jesus is also like the leader of the church. The most special thing is that Jesus, with his love and sacrifice, helps us to get along with God and clean up the mistakes we make, which are sins. Paul wants everyone to know that Jesus is very great and wonderful, and that he is the one who saves us. This story is to give strength and hope to everyone who believes in Jesus, showing how incredible and good he is.
Colossians 2:1 to 23In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão discusses Paul's teachings about the sufficiency of Christ and the need to move away from legalistic and empty teachings that threaten true faith.
He highlights the importance of remaining firm in faith in Christ, rejecting any teaching that opposes biblical truth. Bishop Leandro Leão also addresses the topic of liberation from the slavery of sin through the death and resurrection of Christ, and the importance of living in union with Him for a full and satisfying life.
He also highlights Christ's victory over evil powers and the importance of humility and brotherly love among Christians as signs of true discipleship. The biblical study is conducted in a clear and objective way, with verse-by-verse analysis, always seeking a deep understanding of the teachings of the Word of God.
Colossians 3:1 to 25 In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão explores Paul's teachings about Christian life, transformed by God's gracious intervention. He emphasizes the relevance of seeking heavenly things, giving up sinful practices and cultivating a lifestyle based on holiness and obedience to the divine Word.
Bishop Leandro Leão also addresses the theme of unity and fraternal love among Christians, considering them as signs of true faith and testimony before the world. He highlights the relevance of mutual forgiveness and concession so that the peace of Christ can rule hearts.
The biblical study is conducted in a clear and objective way, with verse-by-verse analysis, always seeking a deep understanding of the teachings of the Word of God.
Colossians 4:1 to 18 In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão explores Paul's teachings about the relevance of prayer and evangelization in the Christian journey. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating a life of constant prayer, marked by perseverance and gratitude to God, incessantly seeking the Father's will in all our actions.
Bishop Leandro Leão also highlights the crucial importance of evangelization and Christian witness in the world, highlighting the example of Paul as an evangelist dedicated to the dissemination of the gospel of Christ. He motivates Christians to be agents of transformation, being salt and light in the world, sharing the saving message with everyone around them.
The biblical study is conducted in a clear and objective way, with verse-by-verse analysis, always seeking a deep understanding of the teachings of the Word of God.
1 Thessalonians 1:1 to 10 – In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão addresses Paul's teachings about faith, love and hope present in the Thessalonian community. It highlights the centrality of faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ as essential foundations for an authentic and true Christian life.
1 Thessalonians 2: Paul reports his preaching and dedication among the Thessalonians, highlighting his passion and commitment to the Gospel. With fervent words and a vibrant heart, he describes how he boldly proclaimed the Word, even in the face of persecution and adversity. He shares about the affection and attention given to the brothers in Thessalonica, whom he considered as sons.
After the End, some warnings from God through the prophet.
1 Thessalonians 3:1 to 13 – In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão explores the relevance of the perseverance and fidelity of the Thessalonians in the Christian faith, even in the face of the persecutions and tribulations they faced. He highlights Paul's concern in sending Timothy to encourage and strengthen the faith of the Thessalonians, as well as expressing interest in receiving updates on their spiritual condition.
Bishop Leandro Leão also highlights the crucial importance of prayer as a means of strengthening faith and communion among Christians. He emphasizes the need to intercede for one another and to seek God for wisdom and discernment to face the adversities of the Christian life.
1 Thessalonians 4:1 to 18 – In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão addresses the topic of sanctity and sexual purity, highlighting the vital importance of these aspects in the Christian life. He highlights Paul's concern with instructing the Thessalonians on how to please God in their personal lives and relationships. Bishop Leandro Leão emphasizes the need to live in holiness, moving away from sexual immorality, which negatively impacts society and Christians. He highlights that holiness is not an option for Christians, but an obligation, emphasizing the viability of living in sexual purity even in an impure culture. Furthermore, Bishop Leandro Leão highlights the importance of loving and serving others, following the example of Christ, who came into the world to serve, not to be served. He highlights that the Christian life cannot be selfish, but must be characterized by solidarity, compassion and generosity.
1 Thessalonians 5:1 to 28 – In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão addresses the topic of the return of Jesus and the day of the Lord, as outlined by Paul in chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians. He highlights the relevance of maintaining a vigilant and prepared posture for the return of Christ, emphasizing the continuous search for growth in holiness and love. Furthermore, Bishop Leandro Leão addresses other significant topics, such as the importance of prayer, gratitude and promoting unity within the church.
He emphasizes that the Christian life should not be a solitary journey, but rather characterized by communion with brothers and sisters and the continuous search for God's will.
2 Thessalonians 1 This chapter of the Bible was written by Paul for the church in Thessalonica. It begins with a greeting from Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the Thessalonians, wishing them the grace and peace of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Soon after, Paul praises the faith and perseverance of the Thessalonians, highlighting their firmness in the face of the persecutions and tribulations they faced. He also addresses God's justice, which will reward those who remain faithful to Him and punish those who reject the truth.
Paul then addresses the second coming of Christ and the final judgment. He motivates the Thessalonians to remain firm in their faith, encouraging them to persist in doing good, confident that God will reward them in the final outcome.
Finally, at the end of the chapter, Paul concludes with a prayer, asking God to strengthen the Thessalonians in their faith and help them fulfill the divine purpose in their lives.
2 Thessalonians 2 This chapter of the Bible addresses the end of times and the manifestation of the antichrist. Paul begins by explaining that, before the return of Jesus Christ, a great apostasy will occur, characterized by a significant rejection of the truth and faith in God. He then describes the emergence of the man of lawlessness, also known as the antichrist, who will exalt himself above all that is called God. Despite deceiving many people with signs and wonders, the antichrist is destined to be destroyed by the glory of the Lord Jesus.
Paul comforts the Thessalonians, affirming that God chose them for salvation and called them to the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. He encourages them to remain steadfast in the faith, following the traditions they were taught. Furthermore, he encourages them to pray for him and for other preachers of the Word of God.
In general, 2 Thessalonians 2 is a significant chapter for Christians who await the return of Jesus Christ and want to understand what will occur in the last days. This chapter reminds us that the power of evil does not overcome the power of God, and even in dark moments, we can trust in Christ's final victory.
Chapter 3 of 2 Thessalonians begins with Paul asking the Thessalonians to pray for him and his companions, that the word of God may spread and be glorified, and that they may be freed from those who lack faith. Next, Paul talks about the importance of work and discipline in the Christian life, remembering that he himself worked hard during his stay in Thessalonica.
He warns against idleness and meddling in the lives of others, and exhorts the brothers to work peacefully and diligently, following the example of Christ. Finally, Paul encourages the Thessalonians not to give up on doing good, even when they face adversity, as God is faithful and will strengthen their hearts in all the good they do and say.
Summary: Paul urges the Thessalonians to pray for him and his companions, highlighting the importance of work and discipline in the Christian life. He warns against idleness and meddling in the lives of others, encouraging brothers to persevere in doing good, even in the midst of adversity.
Video Length: 44 min. 56 sec.
PodCast Duration: 41 min. 01 sec.
O Chapter 1 of 1 Timothy This chapter begins with Paul's greeting to Timothy, his son in faith. Next, Paul highlights the relevance of correct teaching and warns against false doctrines and myths. He recalls his own conversion, when he persecuted the church, but found mercy in Jesus Christ.
Paul instructs Timothy to combat false teachings and maintain faith and a good conscience. He mentions Hymenaeus and Alexander as examples of people who abandoned their faith and were handed over to Satan.
Paul also highlights the importance of prayer for leadership and rulers, aiming to live in peace, piety and honesty. It addresses the law and its application to sinners, while highlighting God's grace and salvation through Jesus Christ.
In resumoIn summary, 1 Timothy 1 emphasizes the importance of correct teaching and warns against false teaching, encouraging faith and prayer, and remembering God's grace through Jesus Christ. Hymenaeus and Alexander
Video Length: 41 min. 31 sec.
PodCast Duration: 38 min. 36 sec.
O chapter 2 of 1 Timothy This chapter deals mainly with prayer and the role of women in the church. Paul encourages Christians to pray for all people, including those in authority, so that they can lead quiet and peaceful lives. It highlights the importance of modesty and decency for Christian women, indicating that they should not exercise authority over men in the church. Instead, women must learn in silence and submission. Paul reinforces that salvation is offered to all people, regardless of gender, and encourages women to focus on good works.
Video Length: 55 min. 34 sec.
PodCast Duration: 51 min. 08 sec.
O chapter 3 of 1st Timothy Chapter 3 of 1st Timothy presents the essential characteristics for a minister to be considered fit and worthy to exercise the role of leader in the congregation. Furthermore, it highlights the qualities that deacons must possess to assume their responsibilities in the Kingdom of God.
According to chapter 3, the bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, measured, decent, hospitable and able to teach. Furthermore, he must have a good reputation, not be given to wine, not violent but gentle, not contentious and not covetous. As for deacons, they must be respectable, not double-tongued, not addicted to too much wine, not greedy, guarding the mystery of faith with a clear conscience.
In fact, Paul's first letter to Timothy is notable for providing comprehensive details about the qualifications for leadership in the church, surpassing any other writing in the New Testament. Paul draws up a list of essential qualities for both elders and deacons, outlining high standards for those who wish to assume responsible roles in the Christian community.
Video Length: 36 min. 06 sec.
PodCast Duration: 34 min. 07 sec
1 Thessalonians 4:1 to 18 – In this episode, Bishop Leandro Leão explores the crucial theme of sanctity and sexual purity in the Christian life. He emphasizes Paul's concern as he instructs the Thessalonians on how to please God in their personal lives and relationships.
Bishop Leandro Leão highlights the importance of cultivating holiness and avoiding sexual immorality, recognizing the harmful impact that this issue has on society and among Christians. He highlights that holiness is not a choice for Christians, but an obligation, emphasizing the viability of maintaining sexual purity even in the midst of an impure culture. Furthermore, Bishop Leandro Leão emphasizes the need to practice love and service to others, following the example of Christ, who came into the world to serve, not to be served. He emphasizes that the Christian life should not be selfish, but rather characterized by solidarity, compassion and generosity.
Video Length: 55 min. 46 sec.
PodCast Duration: 56 min. 21 sec.
1 Timothy 5 This chapter presents several recommendations from Paul to Timothy, especially highlighting the care to be given to different groups within the congregation.
In this chapter, Paul warns Timothy that assistance to people in need does not extend to everyone in need, but rather to those who meet minimum requirements such as age and fidelity. Here in this chapter, widows are used as an example, as they were the most needy at the time, and just as used throughout the book when mentioning minimum positions, this device is also used to specify the minimum characteristics of the people that the church would help.
Likewise, it establishes that those consecrated, at least to the office of presbyter, dedicating themselves entirely to effectively teaching divine principles, deserve to receive a double reward.
Video Length: 38 min. 17 sec. + 18 min (Alerts 2nd Semester/2023)
PodCast Duration: 35 min. 20 sec. + 18 min (Alerts 2nd Semester/2023)
📋 Episode 6: Chapter 6 of 1 Timothy - Chapter 6 of 1 Timothy deals with several subjects and offers pastoral advice.
In chapter 6 of 1 Timothy, we find the following themes and advice:
1. Paul instructs that servants in conditions of slavery must treat their masters with complete respect, in order to prevent the name of God and Christian teachings from being the target of blasphemy.
It is important to highlight that the term "slave" in the Bible differs significantly from systems of slavery, such as the abominable history of slavery for black people. People considered slaves generally had debts, similar to someone who is currently negative in the SPC/SERASA. The Bible established rules for paying off these debts, such as:
* Payment of debt by relatives, Exodus 21:8;
* Forgiveness of all remaining debt and end of Slavery in the 7th Year of work, Exodus 21:2;
* Foreigners could be slaves, but they must be treated with justice and mercy, without oppression or abuse, mistreatment was prohibited, Leviticus 25:39-43;
* Prohibition of kidnapping people into slavery, kidnapping people and selling them into slavery was considered a serious crime, Exodus 21:16;
* The service was not performed without reward; it was equivalent to half the work of a contractor, according to Deuteronomy 15:18. Furthermore, when he was released, he was not authorized to leave empty-handed, as stipulated in Deuteronomy 15:12-15.
“Do not exploit one another, but fear your God. I am the Lord, your God.”
Leviticus 25:17
Video Length: 41 min. 52 sec.
PodCast Duration: 37 min. 46 sec.
The book of 2 Timothy - is one of the letters written by the apostle Paul to his disciple Timothy. Chapter 1 of this letter contains important messages and exhortations. Here is a summary of 2 Timothy 1:
The chapter begins with Paul identifying himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ, by God's will, and greeting Timothy, whom he considers a beloved son in faith.
Paul expresses gratitude to God by remembering Timothy's sincere faith, which was passed down from his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. He encourages Timothy to keep the flame of faith alive in his heart and reminds him that God did not give him a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Video Length: 53 min. 42 sec.
PodCast Duration: 49 min. 08 sec.
2 Timothy 2 This chapter offers guidance and encouragement from the apostle Paul to Timothy, his disciple. Paul emphasizes the vitality of persevering in God's grace and instructs Timothy to share the knowledge he has received with others.
The chapter emphasizes the need to be a good soldier of Christ, standing firm in faith, avoiding distractions, and seeking God's approval. Paul uses examples such as the farmer who works hard and the athlete who competes by the rules, illustrating the importance of effort and discipline in the Christian life.
Video Length: 31 min. 26 sec.
PodCast Duration: 29 min. 33 sec.
O chapter 3 of 2 Timothy Paul addresses the imminent challenges in the last days, warning Timothy about the presence of people who are selfish, greedy, arrogant and disobedient to God. It details their sinful behaviors and how they can deceive others. Paul highlights the crucial importance of remaining firm in faith and adhering to the truth of Scripture. He encourages Timothy to remember the teachings he received, trusting the Scriptures to be empowered and prepared for God's work.
Video Length: 38 min.
PodCast Duration: 35 min. 23 sec.
Chapter 4 of 2 Timothy This is a call to faithful and courageous ministry. Paul exhorts Timothy to proclaim the word of God persistently, regardless of circumstances. He highlights that there will be times when people will seek their own interests and follow misleading teachings. However, Timothy is urged to stand firm in the truth and carry out his ministry diligently. Paul also shares about his own journey, recognizing his proximity to the end and celebrating fidelity to the call he received.
Video Length: 37 min. 59 sec.
PodCast Duration: 34 min. 58 sec.
O chapter 1 of Titus This is a letter written by the apostle Paul to Titus, a Christian leader on the island of Crete. In this chapter, Paul instructs Titus on the significant importance of leadership and the selection of qualified leaders for local churches.
Paul highlights the imperative need for leaders of integrity and blamelessness, who serve as examples for other believers. He details the specific qualities these leaders must possess, such as being husbands of one wife, having faithful children, and avoiding arrogance, violence, and greed.
O chapter 2 of the Epistle of Titus, found in the New Testament of the Bible, presents a series of specific instructions for different groups within the Christian community. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to Titus, a Christian leader charged with overseeing and organizing the church on the island of Crete.
O chapter 3 of the Epistle of Titus, in the New Testament of the Bible, continues with Paul's instructions to Titus, focusing on the conduct of believers and the importance of salvation by God's grace. The chapter highlights the need to behave correctly and avoid strife and division.
Paul writes to Philemon -Paul praises Philemon for his faith and love, also sharing the story of the conversion of Onesimus, a slave who had run away. Onesimus met Paul while he was in prison and became a follower of Christ through Paul's ministry. Later, Paul sends Onesimus back to Philemon, requesting that he receive him no longer as a slave, but as a brother in Christ. Paul offers to cover any debt that Onesimus may have caused Philemon and appeals to him for love and grace.
The central message of the letter is reconciliation and the importance of treating all believers as equals in Christ, regardless of their social status.